Monday, August 22, 2011

Rehab Finally!

After close to six months of some kind of hospital care, she would begin rehab.  Rehabilitation facilities are all different in their own unique way.  Take your family and research your options based on what insurance actually covers.  All insurance policies are different, consult with your case worker from the hospital.  It is very important for the patient comfort to make sure everything is in order.  The rehab facility will most likely start out very slow with limited therapy based on strength of patient.  The doctors and therapists will monitor your patient brain injury progress and adjust challenges accordingly.  Shel's first day in her wheel chair was hand to eye coordination which she failed miserably.  As a caregiver this is the time in your life to become completely organized and get comfortable for a long journey.  Acquire a attorney specializing in Disability when deemed appropriate. In the beginning life will seem hopeless, but trust me the brain is unbelievably amazing and will rewire itself even without you knowing it!  Take care of yourself! Get some relief with family members taking turns or go to your happy place.  Important:  If you fall apart, go somewhere alone and scream!  The patient has enough to deal with!  Keep your stress away from them at least in the beginning.  I was able to run a retail store, raise a 3 month old and keep our household going.  You can do anything with God's help!  Don't give up!  Someone is counting on you!

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