Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Vail Hospital Bed

Shel was transferred to a local rehab and was scheduled to start her long journey of therapy at least we thought so.  Almost immediately we experienced a major set back.  She began to get sick and weak for long extended hours for no apparent reason.  The rehabilitation facility scheduled test after test in an attempt to figure out her mysterious sickness.  Her status went from rehab ready to hanging on by a thread.  Many doctors were brought in to help including a infectious disease expert.  For everyone's safety she was quarantined from all other patients and placed in a vail bed.   The vail bed (pictured above) is designed to keep patients with balance problems from falling out onto the floor.  I spent weeks reaching through the nylon webbing trying to communicate and soothe her suffering without much success.  Finally out of desperation the rehab facility transferred her back to the hospital.  This was a major set back for us!   On the bright side, I wasn't to happy with the care she received here so I thought maybe we could move her to a different facility. 

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