Friday, August 19, 2011

She didn't give up!

Shel would eventually open her eyes and move her arms and legs after a couple weeks.  Her brain surgeons would attribute her recovery to her prior physical strength as a cyclist. She couldn't talk only make a noise like someone that was very hoarse.   Her miraculous recovery would spread quickly throughout the hospital.  Many times I would reluctantly leave her bedside to take a walk or grab some food  from cafeteria.  Strangers would stop me in the hallway and ask if they could pray!  Essentially I became sort of a celebrity from tragic circumstances.  My view of life started to change!  I realized life wasn't about me and I needed to step up and make a difference.  The patients on Shel's floor would get the miraculous news from their loved ones and start fighting harder.  Even though Shel still was not out of the woods yet, I started to realize God put me here on purpose.  All the things I focused on before money, career and prestige meant totally nothing.  The day finally arrived for her transfer out of the hospital to a rehab facility. Note:  Brain Injured patients are treated, stabilized and released.  Entering into rehab is just the beginning of a long journey.  Starting Rehab is really important because the brain starts to rewire itself the first six months.  Unfortunately Insurance companies don't cover long stays at rehabilitation centers.  We were one of the lucky ones!  Again I will have to leave my wife's bedside, this time to attend my step dad's funeral. 

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