Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Almighty Father has a sense of humor!

In the coming days there would not be much change in Shel's recovery from emergency brain surgery.  Her skin color would become a little bit darker, but the swelling stayed the same.  In everyone's mind the future looked dim.  I remained by her bedside pretty much all hours of the day/night.  I noticed there was a VCR in her room and thought to myself what can I do to help?  I brought in videos of our 3 month old daughter interacting with Shel hoping to spark a reaction.   I talked to her almost constantly assuming or at least hoping she could understand.  My ritual was playing recent videos on the VCR and asking her questions.  One day I was talking to her in her unresponsive state about our future plans and goals together, with the VCR playing family tapes in the background.  I was pretty much exhausted and not feeling positive about her recovery!  All of a sudden, she raised up looked me straight in the eye and told me to "Shut Up" ..... Evidently she had been listening to our daughter's voice and wanted to hear her.  To this day I will never forget that moment!  The reaction has never been explained medically and she would spend months before ever being able to speak.  I look back and call it God's sense of humor!   My mental strength would be tested even further by leaving my wife's unstable bedside to attend my mother's funeral. 

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