Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 Hours of Emergency Brain Surgery

The helicopter landed and she was quickly rushed into and prepped for emergency brain surgery.  I was one of the first to arrive and take my post in the waiting room.  During the next twelve hours much to my surprise family and friends began to show up and join me in the waiting room.  In no time at all we had to spill out into the hallway because of the numbers of people showing up to offer support. In the days to come she would have more than 200 visitors.  I spent most of my time pacing the hallways and eventually found the chapel.  This was a huge turning point in my life!  I knew that as soon as I set foot inside my control of my life was over.  I spent time on the floor in the hallway outside the chapel and did my share of pacing this hallway too.  I was thinking what in the world am I going to say to the Almighty father?  I portrayed a strong Christian , but always did things on my terms.  I finally got enough nerve and courage and walked in.  The chapel was very plush and serene.  I immediately felt a sense of  calmness and found a comfortable seat knowing I would be there for a while.   Through heavy tears I attempted to ask the Almighty Father "What am I supposed to do? "  I know I deserve nothing because I have never trusted you before"  "Please help!" I don't want to lose her!  The more that I confessed it seemed a huge weight was being lifted!  I spent countless hours pacing multiple hallways and visiting the chapel many times.  Her brain surgery would take 9 hours!  The extraordinary thing that caught my attention was that our 3 month old daughter was not crying and smiling at me?

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