Wednesday, August 17, 2011

She is going to die!

The team of surgeons pulled me aside and told me in the most compassionate way she was probably not going to make it! This was a very bad dream and I needed to wake up now!  It seemed a few hours ago our life together had such a bright future with many plans to create memories together.  How in the world did we end up here?  Everything was happening way to fast.  I told everyone the tragic news and found a quiet corner and collapsed.   This was a huge turning point for me because I literally gave up and started to accept that I was going home alone.  During the next hour or so,  all the church members, family and friends said their good byes.  I went in to her hospital room where she lay pale, swollen and connected to many monitors and a feeding tube.  I dropped to my knees and prayed.  I grabbed her swollen hand and said "If it is your time to go, give Jesus a hug for me and I will see you soon" ,  "If it is not, give Jesus a hug and come back to me!"  At that moment, out of the blue she squeezed my hand!  In a instant, I was given some hope!

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