Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How we met!

Both of us had just recently become single again!   My father had recently lost his wife to cancer and I moved in for moral support.  We went to lunch with some people from his church and as usual the lady's were trying to set me up.  At the time I was dabbling in the modeling industry as a  commercial model for a art gallery in St Louis.  I always carried my head shot for potential modeling opportunities  and gave one of them to the ladies to pass on to the interested girl on the other end.  Several weeks later we met  with the same group of ladies and they handed me a note from the girl interested  in meeting me.  Evidently unknown to me, my head shot came across the wrong way to her as somewhat conceited.  I opened the note and almost immediately fell in love with the person that wrote it (even though we had never met).  She used her creativity describing almost everything about her from childhood  referring to old pictures.  I was so impressed with her personality, creativity, humor and compassion that I called her right away! Sometimes in life you just know when something is right!  We would eventually create a story board about how we met and have it at our  reception for others! Soon after that we officially met one another and quickly fell deep in love!  We learned from our first relationships what didn't work and were totally focused on what would!  We went everywhere together, held one another tightly, cuddled, took long walks, talked till early morning hours on the phone.  I would go from just loving her tremendously to cherishing her.  After I got off work, I would go visit her at her bike store and feel like I just completed her day by walking in!  Life was good!

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