Sunday, August 7, 2011

My plan vs God's plan

Hello all!  Welcome to a blog that will I hope change your lives forever!  These words have been in my heart for quite some time.  In life people including myself pursue directions that may not be the right one.  My plan to share this amazing story has not been an easy one!  There has been videos lost, set backs, devil strong holds, confusion and frustration.   In the last few years I have been blessed with seeing life through other eyes besides my own and granted  the privilege to change people's hearts through my words!  I still have the bruises on my knees when I gave up on me and trusted in prayer! Caregivers from all walks of life sometimes find themselves alone and frustrated. Miracles do happen!  I hope our words will lift you up!

Before we get started I want everyone to know that there are many others out there that have had more difficult times than us.  We are not down playing your suffering!  We truly wish you the best and want to offer hope!

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