Monday, August 8, 2011

My wife's background

My wife Shelley grew up in a military family and traveled a lot.  She didn't have the privilege to stay at one place very long and establish permanent friends.  Looking back I think she gained her independence and strength from her father.  She left home at a young age and ended up moving to Hawaii.  Yeah I know how sad is that!  Living in paradise!  Poor thing!  Anyhow she met someone (before me) and followed him to Hawaii.  I still have visions of her traveling in a Volkswagon Bus and singing like the Partridge family staying in State Parks.  I joke with her about that all the time!  After arriving in Hawaii, she secured a job as a dishwasher at the local pizza hut store.  She lived there for a total of 14 years and became the area manager.  Meanwhile back home her father retired from the military and bought a bicycle retail store with savings.  Tragically her father passed away in the 1990's from cancer and the family was left to take over in his shoes.  Her brother who lived pretty far away tried his best to keep things going, but the travel took toll on his own family.  My wife (well not yet anyhow)  made the decision to leave paradise and save the family business.   She had developed a business background over the years, but knew nothing about bicycles.  She put her mind to it and quickly became an avid cyclist and respected retail store owner.  She did not take a salary, sold her car, secured a part time job at night and used a bicycle for all transportation.  After several hard years she managed to turn things around and established a thriving business.  Even though she didn't know it yet many years later her determination and strength would be tested with a brain injury.

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