Saturday, August 13, 2011

I was given a sign

Shel and I returned from Hawaii and jumped feet first into our new life together as business owners.  If you have never been too Hawaii,  I highly recommend this paradise.  Everything is so green and plush and they really cater to tourists.  We only had the one issue with our first hotel not having a room for us, but they upgraded us to the penthouse suite.  I had my own personal tour guide since Shel lived there for 14 years.  After our honeymoon, we continued to work side by side at the retail store, and everything was going well.  I took over the day to day operations and gave Shel a much needed break!  She decided to try a different career path and I supported her wholeheartedly.   She took a job as a stock broker assistant at a major firm in St Louis.  Remember this information because it will become very significant.
One day I was alone at the retail store performing the daily close out of the cash drawer.  The front glass doors were open with a warm summer breeze.  I had just raised my head and glanced at the empty parking lot outside and continued to complete the close out procedure.  I heard a noise outside and looked up and there was a gentleman in a wheel chair trying to get up onto the walkway in front of our store.  Remember there was no one in the parking lot just seconds ago?   I stopped what I was doing and helped this man into our store and pushed him around in his wheel chair for an hour showing him everything.  He told me about his public speaking ministry about his alcohol related car accident that put him in a wheel chair.  We discussed things that were weighing down my heart and shed many tears together.   I felt I knew him all my life.  I gave him a Lance Armstrong jersey and he disappeared! Never to be seen again!   Very shortly after this,  I would become a brain injured caregiver  and push Shelley around in a wheelchair.  Looking back I truly believe this was a sign from the Almighty father preparing me for the extreme challenges ahead!


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